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Today I would like to introduce you to an astonishing artist whose work has never failed to amaze me every time I come across her amazing creations.
I love Alina Prodan not only for what she paints. I love her because she only speaks with her heart, and there is this humble kindness and warmth in her words that always makes me feel I'm with friends, that I'm at home.
The most beautiful thing she said to me was: "I wish we could also publish a few words in Romanian just for my mother, so she can read about me". And so I write:
Mama, aveti o fiica minunata, cu un har ceresc, si o inima de aur. Va felicit ca ati crescut un copil atat de bun si de inzestrat si mi-ati daruit o prietena cum rar se pot intalni intr-o viata. Imbratisari cu drag. (Mother, you have a wonderful daughter, with a gift from God and a heart made of gold. I want to congratulate you for raising a child so good and talented, and for giving me the rare opportunity to make such a great friend in my lifetime)
I hope you enjoy the story Alina wanted to talk about: the colours of her childhood and how they reflect in her art.
Yours, Christine Onward
Wonderful artworks by Alina Prodan | Facebook | Instagram |
I spent my childhood in a little village nearby the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. It was as beautiful as one can only imagine: little houses spreading along narrow roads, trees in every yard, forests nearby us, and the fields, green and yellow, vast and beautiful, as far as the eyes could see.
Each season in the village had its own unique glory, its own colours, smells and emotions attached; but it is the autumn colours that I carry with me all the time, their spectacular brightness and the multitude of colours everywhere around us.
Dot art by artist Alina Prodan | Facebook | Instagram |
My village colours had an enormous impact on who I grew up to be. Even now, the colours I choose for my mandalas come from those beautiful memories of autumn falling on us, the fields, the forests, the sky, or the clouds above us.
Exquisite mandala collection by artist Alina Prodan | Facebook | Instagram |
I’ve been painting since I was born. Most of my painting happened in my mind though, because I never had the courage to actually do it. I did enjoy watching art, visit museums, art galleries. That was all the art I would dare to involve myself into…
All these until 2 years ago when I took up painting mandalas on rocks and canvas.
Exquisite mandala collection by artist Alina Prodan | Facebook | Instagram |
For the last two years I have been painting mostly at night and during the weekends when I’m free from work. I love listening to music before and during painting. I like listening to Debussy – Arabesque and light incenses as part of my painting therapy. They help me calm down the noise of my thoughts and breathe again.
What astonishes me the most is how a colour can have such a powerful impact on us.
When I paint, my colour choices are influenced by my general mood to a great extent. I also consider the combinations of colours that are pleasing to the eye. The details of my designs are very elaborate, therefore every little line, every dot I lay has to be perfect. And all these because the energies I gather within my work have to spread charm, harmony and beauty to each and every one of you.
The stories are endless when it comes to colours and my art of cirlcles and dots. But I could sum them up in just these words: I LIVE A LIFE OF COLOURS. And you?
Toby, recently taking up painting, mostly on the indoor walls
- Christine Onward
- Tags: Alina Prodan art collection boho style Carpathians childhood colours dot art friend mandala meditation memories mother puppy Rock Street Romania spain therapy Toby Valencia