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Since the beginning of humanity, people have surrounded themselves with all kinds of beautiful objects. Early shelters were found to be adorned with colorful drawings, sculptures, and other decorative artifacts.

But why do we feel the need to add art around us? What does art change within us in such a way that we feel drawn to gathering beauty and colours around us? 

boat art painted rock folk naive beach house decoration blog Christine Onward simple coastal decor

Art on rock by Christine Onward. For sale here


Art gives wings to our inner self

Our home is the place where, more than anywhere else, we need to be ourselves. It is where we feel most at peace, where we are most comfortable. The reason we feel this way is due to the objects we choose to have on display.

By surrounding ourselves with objects of art that we love, we can enjoy the time spent at home even more. We can be ourselves, we can start dreaming, hope, and plan our future lives.

Paintings that we love will share with us their colours, shapes, and stories that have the power to make us feel unique, or happy, or energetic, or daring... it's all in the choices we make.

painted rock home decoration beach house gift mother Christine Onward art blog Australia Old Bar

Original art, painted rock by Christine Onward. More from this collection here

Art makes our home more human

We are surrounded by a culture that incessantly tells us to hurry.

Art helps us take things easy, to slow down, and breathe. Take your time. Listen to your art.

Most of the things necessary to our home: the furniture, appliances, clothing, etc.  are mass produced, machine made. There seems to be an abundance of 'things' surrounding us that are soul-less, which provide no personality to our spaces. We need fulfilling interactions with the people and things we surround ourselves with. Their stories contribute to our daily experience,

Art gives our home a human soul. With every work of art we add a sense of time, personality, emotion and value to our space.

Art rocks original collection nautical ocean painting Christine Onward Australia Old Bar beach lifestyle blog love

Original art, painted rock by Christine Onward. More from this collection here

Art revives emotion and facilitates self-discovery

The art we surround ourselves with can revive powerful emotions. It can evoke cheerful memories, bring comfort or inspire us in most unexpected ways.

Art can be the echoing of our deepest emotions - whether positive or negative - through which we feel connected, understood, and never alone.

The art we choose to keep with us is almost always a flawless translator of our personality. The things we value, respect, embrace, or follow will come through the art choices we make and surround ourselves with.

Folk art beach house decoration Christine Onward original painting collection sale Australia holiday beach journey blue acrylic Old Bar

Original art, painted rock by Christine Onward. For sale here 

Art brings out the kindness in us

The art we choose to decorate our homes with can make a difference in someone's life.

We may choose these artworks to surround us because of all the change they inspire. They provide support to people who need it most, including the artists creating these works, and the people receiving them. Art is powerful in the many ways it can do good for you, and others.

tree of life love summer folk art stone painting Christine Onward rustic beach house blue decoration original housewarming one of a kind gift souvenir Australia

Original art, painted rock by Christine Onward. More from this collection here

Art teaches us that everything is possible

There is an act of struggle and bravery in every piece of art.

"By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others" - Satsuki Shibuya

Too often we are overwhelmed by our daily work routine, boring days, lack of expectations to such a point when we begin to forget about our life long passions or hobbies.

To see that someone has never ceased to create and dedicated all their time to pursue their dreams is invigorating. The art we choose to show off with will teach us and the others that dreams and passions are always possible to achieve. 

Art is the best lesson to learn; That in life everything continues to be possible.

night story beach love rock art original painting Christine Onward Australia blog lifestyle wellbeing Old Bar house gift coastal decoration

Original art, painted rock by Christine Onward. For sale here 

Art tells a story about us

Art doesn't come in singularity. Every artwork we choose says something about us. Perhaps the colours in the painting are representative for our passions. Perhaps the landscapes depicted remind us about long lived holidays, or childhood memories. Or maybe the painting revives hidden feelings, or memories we long thought forgotten

Art reconnects us with our true selves, our true memories and our thoughts.

With art we are never alone. We are only our true selves.

tree of life mexican original rock painting folk home beach decoration Christine Onward australia blog gift beautiful summer christmas

Original art, painted rock by Christine Onward. For sale here


More beautiful rocks and writings about creative hobbies and how they can improve you well-being HERE 

If you have questions or want to contribute with your ideas to this blog, please contact Christine Onward at: rock_street@yahoo.com.

Thank you.



In these daring times , living in the gloomy days of COVID 19 lock-downs, facing the loss of dear ones, the insecurity of our future, the hopeless inability to express ourselves in our old ways... how do we find a way out? How do we find ways to look forward to tomorrow, to relax, to smile, to live?

painted rocks Christine Onward Old Bar Australia beach house decoration coastal holiday art

Rock art by Christine Onward. More details are here

Here are a few things I wanted to write to you about today:

Getting involved in an artistic hobby for two hours a week improves your mental well-being

A study published in 2016 involving 700 participants living in Australia showed that engaging in artistic hobbies for over 100 hours a year will significantly improve your mental health and well-being.

This means that only two hours a week of taking part in a creative activity will enhance you mental well-being and general health.    

rock painting Old Bar Australia blog Christine Onward wellbeing mental hobby flowers simple ideas

Painted rocks of Old Bar, Australia. Simple ideas for everyone.

Everyday creativity improves your mood

An article in the Journal of Positive Psychology, 2016, explains that spending time on creative activities will boost your mood, increasing joy, interest, and alertness and reducing negative moods such as anger, anxiety or fear.

What to take from this? - Daily creativity is the best source to create joy, fulfillment and happiness in our life.

seagull painted rocks home decoration blog creativity australia christine Onward art beach home decor

 My favourite creative activity: rock painting. More details about these rocks here

Engaging in a hobby means you dedicate yourself to something that brings you joy, meaning, and purpose

But what is the best hobby to suit you? 

Your hobby might be either physical (take up a sporting activity), to help others (volunteer activities) or just being creative. 

How do you choose between all the options? Here are some ideas:

- try a new activity each week. When the right choice comes your way, you will not want to engage in a new activity the next week.

-ask friends

-visit a craft or hardware store


-research locally for options 

-check out educational courses


natural simple idea rock painting christine Onward Old Bar Australia home decoration art blog well being

Preserving natural beauty: painted rock by Christine Onward

I recently found myself quite excited about buying a cruise bike. I picked a small and girly one ( I call her Lola!) , to take me to places in Old Bar I never get to see otherwise. Riding along the beach on little roads with almost no-one passing by is heaven! Fresh air, sound of waves whilst dreaming of Cuba, or Italy, or France; Well, that's my best way to end the day.

bike ride Old Bar australia holiday leisure ocean beauty Christine Onward art

"Lola" checking out on some of the most beautiful lookouts in Old Bar


But the hobby that keeps me going is my love for rocks and my love for the sea.

The beautiful rocks of Old Bar, with amazing shapes and smooth surfaces often make me choose simple designs, figurative shapes, and monochrome designs.

I want to preserve the natural beauty and energy of my rocks.

I want them to share the beauty and strength of the swirls and the wind that shaped them for thousands and thousands of years, what made them become what they are today: rocks of magic.

rock painting simple ideas Christine Onward australia decorative art blog

Preserving natural beauty: painted rocks by Christine Onward


If you feel driven towards rock painting, do start by making friends with your own rocks. Let the shape of the rocks tell you what they want to become, what they want to inspire and who they want to be with.

The rock you paint can change someone's life. It's up to you to what degree and for how long it does it.

Happy rocking :) ,


painted rock boat coastal art Christine Onward rustic beach decoration Old Bar Australia

Preserving natural beauty: painted rock by Christine Onward for sale here




Christine Onward talking about symbols of the blue colour in rock painting

Colours allow artists to express their ideas and reveal their inner self. For every rock painter colours not only evoke a certain mood, elicit a certain response from the viewers, but also work subliminally to create and send a particular message.

But what are the messages, moods, and inner responses elicited by the blue colour in rock painting?

painted rock folk art interior decoration by Christine Onward

BLUE art on rocks by Christine Onward. For sale HERE


Today’s article presents a number of different approaches to the use of blue in rock painting. Rocks were selected from the approximately 200 painted rocks posted by the artists of RockStreet Collective to honour our most recent BLUE rock event.


Why do we use the BLUE colour when we paint on rocks?


*BLUE is used to suggest INNOCENCE and elicit CALM

naive art painted rock by Sussi Louise UK   art naif painted rock angel by Pamela Campbell   painted rocks flowers village happy home decoration

Naïve art on rocks by artists Sussi Louise Smith | Pamela CampbellChristine Onward


*With BLUE you can create sensations of FREEDOM and EXPANSIVENESS

painted rock ocean blue Kishan Patel painted rock blue ocean mermaid lelilani holverson painted rock ocean seagulls blue art decoration Sussane Jensen

Ocean theme in rock painting, different approaches by artists Kishan Patel | Leilani Holverson | Susanne Jensen


*BLUE is a universally soothing colour. Many artists embrace a blue palette to elicit CALM and MINDFULNESS

painted rock blue mandala mindfulness rachel mitchell painted rock blue mandala calm dot art debby hurst tree of life mandala rock dot art elena marisol gomez

Mandala world in BLUE by artists Rachel Mitchell | Debby Hurst | Elena Marisol Gomez


*Beauty of nature and its fantastic livings are often represented with the use of BLUE 

painted rock bird happy home decorations judy smith painted rock blue bird happy home decoration aberline atwood painted rock blue bird happy chinese home decoration

A world of BLUE birds by artists Judy Smith | Aberline Attwood陳 泳澖 |


*Light BLUE is associated with TRANQUILITY and HEALING

painted rock butterfly blue home decorations yvette biedermann  painted rocks mindfulness happy home decorations pascale chevalier painted rocks stud happy calm blue home decorations ralph macias

 Soft BLUES to heal the soul- by artists Yvette Biedermann | Pascale ChevalierRalph Macias |


*You may use blue when creating art for those young at heart to elicit SINCERITY and HAPPY MOODS

painted rock teddy moon light happy home decoration Christel de Laroche painted rocks blue strumpfs  happy home decorations children's art Alex Jade painted rock blue unicorn magical story danijela milosevic

Joyful art for the child in us by artists Christel de Laroche | Alex Jade | Danijela Milosevic 



painted rock blue dot art happy meditation buddha decoration lisa orlans painted rock dot art owl happy home decoration Emily Clark painted rock dot art mandala blue happy home decoration sandra silva

 BLUE dot art in rock painting by artists Lisa Orlans | Emily Clark | Sandra Silva


*Oriental cultures have used BLUE to express PIETY and STRENGTH

painted rock blue buddha happy home decoration Yuk-moy tan tapia painted rock indian exotic  happy home decoration megan wilhite painted rock meditation blue buddha happy home decoration shruti rachael david

 The exotic world of the BLUE rocks by artists Yuk-moy Tan Tapia | Megan Wilhite | Shruti Rachael David


*Use BLUE to suggest PURITY and CONFIDENCE

painted rock wearable art blue swirl Lysa Mignot painted rock wearable art mermaid dots Annalisa Cacciatore painted rock necklace mandala dots blue wearable art Valeria Avossa

The wonderful realm of wearable art on rocks by artists Lysa Mignot | Annalisa Cacciatore | Valeria Avossa


*All these symbols often intermingle to create calm and purity. If you want to join the art world of healing the mind and body, you can start by using BLUE

painted rock blue feather Santorini rock happy home decoration Jessica Pederson Stumpf painted rock blue bird happy home decoration Misty Day  painted rock blue butterfly happy home decoration diana lamb

 Fantastic decorative art on rocks by artists Jessica Pederson Stumpf | Misty Day | Diana Lamb


In art, colours have endless meanings and significance which translates into rock painting. If you remember, a few weeks ago we looked at some examples of RED symbolism in rock painting. See article HERE.

If interested to be a part of our world rock painting family, you are most welcome to post your creations in our group RockStreet Collective. The BLUE rock event is still happening until the 21st of July when the winning artist (featured on our Instagram account) will be invited to an exclusive interview on this website.

More artful blue rocks for sale Here

I will conclude my short description of uses of BLUE in rock painting here. The most amazing creation I wanted to introduce to you to celebrate the BLUE rock event is that of 5 year old Zarya, Elena Marisol Gomez's little daughter. I’m sure you’ll love her blue ocean, the sky with white clouds, the green beach, and the tomato bush in the corner.

Here ends RockStreet Collectives's BLUE rock showcase. I hope you had a peaceful BLUE holiday to the eyes :) 

children's art beach painted rock Zaria

The beautiful BLUE rock of Zarya 




THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN by Tony Flurscheim

THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN by Tony Flurscheim 26

Tony Flurscheim talking this week about his first encounter with painted rocks and therapeutic benefits of rock painting


When I first saw Christine Onward’s work on the net I could sense something creative and unique there. And the universe conspires at times to arrange things…

She happened to live almost next door to where I holiday each year. At Diamond Beach, a 5 hour drive north of Sydney. We meet up for a series of rocks for my sister’s Reiki Practice Waves of Energy and order some other general pieces.


Sunrise in Diamond Beach | Photo by Tony Flurscheim | Facebook | Instagram


I can still remember our first meeting with Christine at the little café in Blackhead, nearby Diamond Beach. They have great pies there all the time. My brother-in-law is normally a placid man of few words. He was in awe when shown the rocks! He literally stood up, looked alive for a change, picked up one piece and just said: I want this one!

 It came to me just then: Rock Art must bring out extraordinary drawing talents and create Healing Powers as well.

I bought some rocks and the following week I went to Canberra, our nation’s capital, to visit my friend in a nursing home. He has Alzheimer’s. I wanted to give him a rock as a gift. I handed it to him. You should have seen the look on his face! 

It lit up. Full of life. He connected with the rock. He touched it, felt it, and quickly put it in his pocket.


Photo and rocks painted by Christine Onward | The Stunner Boutique


And one more twist of fate: Months later my friend in Canberra lost the rock I gave to him. It happened that Christine was also in Canberra for a brief stay. I contacted her and had her do up another piece, with my friend’s name on the back of the rock.

I have since been told he’s very happy, and the rock is his constant companion.

The third rock from the sun. It does have mysterious ways of Healing. And a big thank you, Christine for making that happen.


An interesting find | Photo by Tony Flurscheim | Facebook | Instagram



- Tony Flurscheim – Sydney, Australia