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"My painted rocks invite you on magical journeys never seen to the eye before, but imagined, dreamed of, and felt in smiles.", Christine Onward
BIRD OF MAGIC, painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE
The most amazing thing about art is the fact that it has the power to manipulate and transform our most inner emotions and experiences in such subtle ways no other means of therapy can.
Many times my day stars with a grim, not knowing what to paint, how to paint, what to start with..., and so on. But I don't give up because I know that if I take small steps into changing the narrative, and I turn the grey clouds into sunshine, and the stormy seas into hues of turquoise, and old scares into islands of bright green, life will begin to smile again.
This is why today I would like to invite you to discover with me what the stories I paint on rocks are actually about:
DUST OF STARS, original painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE
To me, what gives value to a work of art is its power to take you to places where you can dream, where your imagination is fueled to grow wings and learn new ways to fly.
In a world where what we dream is dictated by social standards and mainstream media, who can afford to dream authentically anymore?
That's why, when I begin to paint a new story, I aim at creating gates: gates to dream lands, to places unnamed, to lands never seen to the eye and to songs never sung or heard before.
A VILLAGE OF SUMMER, painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE
Take a moment and think when was the last time you let your mind roam about to places you once saw and almost forgot? When was the last time you remembered a happy thing from the past and allowed yourself time to re-live it?
To me, art should have the power to lift you from a daily routine and place you to a land where your own stories from the past are allowed to come to life again.
For this, almost all the stories I paint have something to do with an experience I lived in the past and I trust my experiences are never singular, they must have been lived and felt in the same way by others too.
ITALIAN TRAVELS, painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE
BLOOMS OF SPRING, painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE
Trauma will always teach you to close doors. That's why we slowly start forgetting ourselves behind dark walls, too afraid to make peace with the past or begin trusting the future again.
That's why I love painting places where I felt happy as a child. Even if they are not all my stories, if they are just adventures from books, or stories lived by friends, I trust that art has the magic to reconnect and turn the grim of the day into sunshine.
A TASMANIAN MORNING, painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE
Painted rocks collections by Christine Onward, for sale HERE
With almost every rock that I paint, I am told that my art brings smiles to your hearts.
I still find it hard to explain how this happens. It might be the naivety of the landscapes I paint. Or it might be the colours I choose for my paintings. I don't know how and where the smiles begin. I am somehow sure though that if I put smiles and good vibes in what I create, this might return in a million other positive ways in the world. And that's what I want my art to be about.
FADING DREAMS, painted rock by Christine Onward , for sale HERE

CREATING ART TO CALM THE SOUL - Interview with Rachel Mitchell, Exceptional Artist, Rock Painting Innovator, Teacher, and Beautiful Soul 30
Canadian artist Rachel Mitchell talking about new ways to create outstanding art on rocks
Wonderful painted rocks by Rachel Mitchell | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
Dear Rachel, I need to say that I have been following your media accounts for quite a few years. I have since admired your ingenuity, your talent, and your energy to create the most astonishing works of art! How did it all start and where do you get your inspiration from?
Thank you so much to you and everyone for following my accounts! I can't believe I've been doing this for almost 7 years now, and for the last 4 years on a full time basis!
At first I just wanted to get all of my creativity out and share it with whoever was willing to see it.
Now my passion is to also show others what I have taught myself, tips and tricks; lessons I have learned and mistakes I have made, as well as to create unique rock jewels that everyone can love.
Dot art and shiny colours: painted rocks by Rachel Mitchell | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
Colour is my eye candy. I'm inspired by so many wonderful artists and places I could only get the chance to see through the internet world. Pinterest has so many beautiful artists, ideas and creativity; It's one of my favourite places to get inspired.
Over the last years your innovative work had a major contribution to the world of rock art.Can you tell us more about your ideas and how they positively changed the way we do rock painting these days?
I am always looking for ways to make my artwork stand out.
As everyone might already know, I use a lot of metallic paints and glitters. At first I wasn't very happy with they way they shined, as I wanted my stones to be as bold, colourful, and sparkling as possible!
I saw what resin did to paintings on canvas and fell in love! I was a little scared to play with it at first. I made a few mistakes, but the result was exactly what I had been looking for. It was magical!!!
Bold and beautiful: rocks by Rachel Mitchell | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
As for my DIY fine lining brush, it has helped so much!! I had spent so much money on brushes over the years! I would purchase every fine brush I could find and it never did what I needed. Lines were always too thick or too sloppy, and I felt that I would never learn the magical techniques of the big artists, their fine lines and details.
So I took scissors to my brushes!! As a child, I used to take scissors to my dolls' hair (and sometimes my own) and it had not turned out well! Now, however, my brushes have never been so awesome! I was no longer wasting my hard earned money on expensive brushes for my line work. This helped me so much - I had to share!
Here s a link to Rachel's tutorial on how to prepare your brushes for fine lining on rocks: https://youtu.be/URuCcQfG020 :
I use a variety of dotting tools, what I find work best are Nail dotting tools, with two different sizes on each one. They are perfect for most dots but you can find great things around your home for dotting as well. For instance knitting needles, toothpicks, sewing needles, the opposite end of your paint brushes have different sizes to play with as well!
Wonderful painted rocks by Rachel Mitchell | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
The hits on your YouTube and Facebook tutorials are sky-rocketing these days. Tell us more about these tutorials. What are they about and who are they addressed to?
Just over a year ago I began sharing rock painting tutorials and it was terrifying!! I am still not very good at editing, still learning every single time I post something new. My favorite part of a tutorial is painting the stone. It could take a couple of hours to paint a stone and a full day (or longer!) to just to edit the video and have it ready to post on YouTube.
Sometimes I lose bits and pieces of my video that were really important so I end up having to redo the whole thing. Editing tends one of the most frustrating and time consuming parts of my career. However, when I think at the amount of people I'm helping, it makes it all worth it!
Each tutorial is edited with love and sometimes tears, but they are made for all those who want to create beautiful things.
Here are some of my favourite tutorials you might want to have a look at:
How to resin your stone: https://youtu.be/76K9Exf-v6Q
Sunflower on a Santorini stone: https://youtu.be/b2ES1l0-KtM
Zentangle paw painting on a stone: https://youtu.be/p8KjekWjAhI
Painting a dotted dragonfly: https://youtu.be/0iWQXZb6T9g
Some of the rocks you might want to learn to paint: Rachel's YouTube account Here
You are offering so much to the other fellow artists: beauty of art, inspiration, and enormously useful ideas. What do you expect in return?
We need to have more positivity and beauty in our lives. From kids to seniors, I want people to know that they have this creative vibe running through them!! You don't have to go to an art school to be an artist. Painting is extremely therapeutic, it calms our soul, and it gives us a healthy outlet.
Art with style: painted rocks by Rachel Mitchell | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
To end here, I know it's a difficult one, I would like to ask you who are the artists you mostly admire and are thankful to?
This is so hard to answer because there are just so many people I admire and so many artists that deserve recognition. These are only a few of my favourites:
Bob Ross (of course),fellow Canadian artist Elspeth McLean,and Australian artist Ben Heine.

WEDNESDAY SNAPSHOT - Rock Artist Putut Agus - Originality and Thrill 43
An Indonesian Journey with Putut Agus
Recent rock creation by artist Putut Agus | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
To celebrate an artist who made a significant contribution to the expression of art in RockStreet Collective, I chose to present to you today a snapshot of the spectacular work of Indonesian artist Putut Agus.
In search for words to celebrate his creations I first came with ORIGINALITY.
Originality is the quality of art we always aim at. For most of us finding an original pathway to express ourselves as rock artists can become a real struggle, sometimes a dream impossible to achieve. But some artists are born with the gift of originality. They have it within themselves and makes their art even more extraordinary.
Here is how I would summarise Putut’s art in just a few words:
Remarkably original rock creations by artist Putut Agus | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
Unique rock creations by Indonesian artist Putut Agus | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
Painted rocks by artist Putut Agus | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
Painted rocks mixed media by artist Putut Agus | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
Inspirational rock art by artist Putut Agus | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |
This is an article written by Christine Onward with the consent of the artist. *Each Wednesday an artist and their works of art will be selected and presented to you in a few lines and images. If you want to be the next artist featured on our blog, please drop a message on rock_street@yahoo.com.
- Christine Onward
- Tags: christine onward figures gift Indonesia journey original photography Putut Agus rock art Rock Street RockStreet Collective sculpture showcase snapshot thrill Wednesday

Glimpse into a life of art and self-challenge, artist Pamela Campbell talking about how yoga and rock painting became part of her life 89
“I feel that I need both painting and yoga to become better “- Christine Onward
- Tags: acrylics art naif art therapy artist barn birds blue buddha chickens continuance dot art duck fish flowers gift holiday home decoration hummingbird impressionism interview journey joyful life lessons lotus love meditation naive art owl painted rocks photography rock art RockStreet Collective rustic story travel travels USA village weekly blog

Showcase of the most beautiful rocks painted by artist Lidia Zingerle, winner of the RED WEEK event in RockStreet Collective 25
Dear all,
As you undoubtedly remember, few weeks ago our RockStreet Collective group of rock artists honoured the beauty of using the colour red in our stone paintings.
Astonishing patterns, intricate shapes, hidden symbols, love and thrill, they were all captured in the most fascinating painted rocks there are. Here is one of my most recent articles capturing some of the most beautiful red rocks posted in RockStreet Collective.
Red rocks of RockStreet Collective celebrated Here. (photo collage by artist Lysa Mignot)
Each participating artist had the chance to be featured on Instagram every day for an entire week. At the end of the week, the most successful artists of the RED WEEK event on Facebook and Instagram were Lysa Mignot from France and Lidia Zingerle from Italy.
Winning rocks of the RED WEEK event painted by artists Lysa Mignot and Lidia Zingerle
In honour of such event, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you today one of the winning artists, Lidia Zingerle, and some of her amazing creations on rock.
Rock artist Lidia Zingerle, at Steinmalerei Lidia Zingerle
"Hello everybody! My Name is Lidia Zingerle, and I am from South Tyrol in Northern Italy.
10 years ago I started painting rocks, and now it has become my every day passion!!"
Colourful painted rocks by artist Lidia Zingerle
"I take all of my rocks from the rivers of the region I live in. I love the nature and because of this, I also use natural decorations such as old wood pieces to complete my artworks.To paint my rocks, I only use acrylic paint but no clear coating."
Stunning rock art by artist Lidia Zingerle
"My biggest motivation to continue painting on rocks is the smile on people's faces when they appreciate my work.
I usually sell my rocks at creative-expos in South Tyrol, but I also ship them worldwide."
Inquiries about acquiring art by Lidia Zingerle Here
"Since I joined RockStreet Collective, I have become even more inspired. I enjoy watching other artists' creations, their different styles and cultural influences from all over the world.
If you want to see more of my rocks, please visit my Facebook page Steinmalerei Lidia Zingerle and Instagram @steinmalerei. Thank you."
Colourful painted rocks by artist Lidia Zingerle
**To all RockStreet Collective friends, I would like to thank you again for taking part in our RED WEEK event. You are amazing! Beginnig with 29th of June, I will launch a new event of colours and joy on rocks. Stay tuned!**